
Contracting sector

The software number #1 for the contracting sector

More than 20 years of experience and more than 1000 contracting companies in the Middle East depend on it
The only contracting program that covers a full cycle of contracting companies (technical and financial)

  • Tenders management

  • Pricing and business line analysis

  • Quotations

  • Contract management

  • Implementation plan and schedule

  • Executive Abstract

  • Managing subcontractors contracts

  • Current and concluding summaries

  • Compare the cost to the chart

  • Project performance indicators

قطاع المقاولات

When contracting companies are looking for a program that can fully manage the company's projects from start to finish You have not found a better program than DoubleClick that can give it complete control of all departments and departments of the company It depends on the largest contracting companies in the Arab world

Recording business items (manual - import from Excel files)

Table of quantities analysis BOQ (materials - manufactures - machinery - labor - expenses - implementation time - taxes)

Presenting quotations to the customer

Contracts with clients (printing contracts)

Upload project attachments and graphics (any file type)

Create and distribute an execution plan to business items

Executive extracts (inventory of executed works)

Submission and approval of client extracts (initial - current - final)

Contracting with Subcontractors (Printing Contracts)

Receipt and approval of the extracts of subcontractors (initial - ongoing - final)

Linking with the letters of guarantee program (issuing letters of guarantee on projects (primary - advance payments - final) - (extension - heightening of termination)

Linking with the procurement program (purchase requisition - purchase order - local and foreign purchase invoices)

Linking with the receivables program (receipt of advance payments - receipt of contract values ​​and extracts)

Linking with the payments program (payment on work items - payment of contractor payments - payment of contract values ​​and extracts of subcontractors)

Linking with the inventory program (intra-project stocktaking - disbursement of work items - transfer of materials between projects - inventory adjustments)

Linking with the general accounts program (automated daily entries from all operations - reviewing and posting accounting entries - extracting financial reports and budgets

Extracting financial position reports for clients, suppliers and contractors

Compare my estimate with my actual

Project Control Reports KPI, SPI, CPI, TQ & QC

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DoubleClick is a leading company in the software industry - 25 years of experience

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