Thursday, February 13, 2025

Construction Package

The Double Click contracting accounting program is the only accounting program for contracting companies that combines all contracting accounting items with complete flexibility.

Construction and investment group

  • Contracting Program
  • Real estate investment program

Contracting companies accounting program Double Click ERP is the only contracting accounting management program that combines both a comprehensive and very accurate analysis of all contracting accounting items and complete flexibility in use, due to the reliance in building the contracting accounting program on the experience and efficiency of the largest contracting and project accountants in the largest contracting companies. Taking into consideration the experience of engineers specialized in the same field so that the contracting accounting program is comprehensive and flexible, which made it the best contracting accounting program

برنامج مقاولات

Contracting Accounting Program Interconnection

The contracting accounting program is linked with the rest of the Double Click ERP programs to get a complete picture of the project with all the technical, financial and administrative aspects. This interconnection makes you obtain system reports at any moment without the need to repeat work or wait for deportation to other programs

Linking the contracting accounting program with the general accounts program to automatically create the entries resulting from the contracting movement without the need to re-register them in the books of accounts

Linking the contracting accounting program with the receivables and payments program

Linking the contracting accounting program with the warehouse program for disbursement and addition to projects and business items

برنامج ادارة محاسبة المقاولات

Analysis of business items and pricing within the contracting accounting program

Definition and description of bidding cases, pricing, bid review, and reasons for review

Create and define bids

Defining the types of contracts for bidding as well as for subcontractors

Determining the types of additions and deductions associated with projects and determining the impact of each of them on the extract, the value of the business and the general accounts

Definition and distribution of project items into total items and sub-items in a multi-branched and infinite tree form

Complete follow up of subcontractors

Create an infinite directory of subcontractors for customers, suppliers and subcontractors that includes all the data required when registering contracts and extracting reports

Make an estimate study for each project before starting it, to use this study when comparing the implementation and the estimate

Create an executive plan and link it with business items to determine the time and cost of each item, and then identify deviations from the estimate

Printing of all parts of the documentary cycle from within the program for all phases of the project and its implementation, such as bids, contracts, extracts, receipts, daily entries and account statements.

برنامج ادارة محاسبة المقاولات

Bid Registration

The bid is recorded with specifying the bid type (external - internal), specifying the project owner, the responsible manager, the general consultant and the specialized business consultant, and recording the text of the project description summary.

Listing and describing the bid items in the form of an infinite tree branch, specifying the unit and quantity of each main or sub-item, adding any notes specific to each item, and specifying the type of item (basic - new).

Determining the documents required for the project, such as the commercial register and building permit.

Record the addresses of the project as well as the addresses of the owner's correspondence.

Record any project notes, if any.

Search for registered bids by date - bid number - owner name - bid status.

Printing the registered bids while changing the printing format to suit the company's models.

Bid pricing

The bid is priced by uploading the bid previously registered, with the aim of saving time and not repeating data entry. The categories for each item are added, taking into account the direct and indirect expenses included in each item, raw materials, equipment and labor, as well as determining the percentage or value of profit for each item, which results in reaching the selling price offered by the offer to the customer.


Based on the bid pricing and after reviewing the pricing and approving it, it is converted into a price offer for the client, the owner of the project, with an explanation of the offer status (new - final) as well as the review status of the price offer (first - second review - ........) and the reason for the review is also clarified. . It is noted that the price offer includes only the text of the item, unit, quantity, price and value, with the absence of all cost and profit data in order to present this offer to the owner (client).

Registration of contracting contracts

Based on the approval of the price offer submitted to the client, the contract is signed to start implementing the project, taking into account the time and to reduce the effort. The contract is loaded through the price offer and added to it:

Display condition and type

Contract release date

book contract number

Initial receipt date

Final Receipt Date

Total Contractual Value Value / Ratio


You can also print contracts, including all project data, for your reference when necessary.

implementation scheme

Extracts may be in progress throughout the life of the project, and it may be a final extract at the end of the project, which is a claim (invoice) submitted by the contracting company to which the project is assigned to the owner (the attribution / client). In it, the net value of the extract is calculated based on what has been implemented and taking into account the previous implementation and the adjustments associated with the items subject to the extract from deductions such as business insurance and from additions such as items that arise after signing the agreement contract and the percentage of completion signed by the consulting engineer.

Internal Executive Abstract

The executive extract is called that it appointed the contracting company on the project and its implementation stages. It does not differ much in its contents from the current or final extract, but it contains some analytical data for each item such as item cost, selling price and profitability. It is also an internal extract that is not provided to external parties, but it is a permanent indicator throughout the project period To compare the implemented and planned for each project item.

Client's financial summary

Extracts may be in progress throughout the life of the project, and it may be a final extract at the end of the project, which is a claim (invoice) submitted by the contracting company to which the project is assigned to the owner (the attribution / client). In it, the net value of the extract is calculated based on what has been implemented and taking into account the previous implementation and the adjustments associated with the items subject to the extract from deductions such as business insurance and from additions such as items that arise after signing the agreement contract and the percentage of completion signed by the consulting engineer.


You can contract with subcontractors and assign them to carry out some or all of your work on the project.

You can also divide one item in the bid into more than one subcontractor.

When issuing a contract with subcontractors, you can change the prices of the items by adding a percentage or value to the customer's selling price as a profit margin.

You can re-divide the single project item into sub-items with new names in proportion to the sub-contractors.

You can also record additions to the subcontractors contract and also record deductions associated with the contract.

Agreeing with subcontractors to carry out the works in a total (cut) or analytical way.

Register and print the subcontractor contract from within the program.

subcontractor extract

Based on the implementation of the works assigned to them by the subcontractors, they must submit current extracts to obtain their financial dues, taking into account what was previously spent on the works.

At the end of the project, a preliminary handover report is made and the final extract is submitted until the rest of the dues are disbursed, the works guarantee is released, and the percentage of completion is reserved.

Therefore, DoubleClick ERP Contracting Accounting Software helps you to:

Recording the extract of the subcontractor (current / final) based on the executed works.

Upload the extract data based on the contract signed with the subcontractor.

Specify the type of abstract in progress or final.

Recording of the extracted additions or deductions.

Recording the executed quantities to reach the current quantities automatically, taking into account the previous quantities.

Determining the percentage of completion based on the consultant's receipt of the items in the abstract.

Determine the percentage/value of the ramp, if any, as well as the response to the previous ramps.

Based on the registration and keeping of the subcontractor extract, the subcontractor's account statement will be affected and the daily entries will be created automatically.

Printing the extract of the subcontractor and controlling the form of printing in proportion to the contracting company.

public reports

Implementation plan distribution report

Executive summary report

cost comparison report

Abstract daily report

project performance indicators

Bidding Report

Bid Pricing Report

Bid Report

Implementation plan report

Total pricing cost items report

The financial position of the owner

Contract Report

business volume

Owner's account statement

Additions and discounts to the owner's bill

Owner's review balance

Subcontractor account statement

Report of discounts and additions to subcontractors

Subcontractor financial position report

subcontractor audit balance

Project Performance Indicators

time deviation

profitability of projects

It is the best program on which major real estate development and real estate management companies depend, and one of the most distinguished programs within the Double Click ERP group of programs that combines operation (selling, leasing, real estate management and unit maintenance) and financial (accounts, receipts, payments and cost centers).

The program is also characterized by the presence of a complete follow-up (financial and administrative) for the commissions of real estate brokers and representatives, as it determines the method of dealing with them, commission rates, building an endless tree structure of delegates, linking commissions to contracts, and then issuing claims (entitlements) for commissions and disbursing them from the payments program, which consequently affects the restrictions Finance and movement of safes and banks.

With more than 250 statistical and financial reports to follow up the management of sales, leasing, commissions, arrears, collections, unit activities, and more, which makes you work on the program and get through it all the information you want without the need for any external data.

قطاع المقاولات

real estate guide :

Real estate is classified within the DoubleClick program in a distinctive tree shape that allows you to diversify the types of real estate and the stages of each real estate group and the real estate units it contains, for example, you can add a group of commercial and residential real estate, a service group, and so on lands.

قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

- Detailed property address in the country - city - neighborhood - street number - plot number - property number, for the ability to search and query reports on the property with multiple search elements.

- Determining the expected delivery date of the property and the possibility of applying this date to all / some units within the property.

- Determining the land area and building area of ​​the property

- Defining the real estate activity (residential / service / commercial / lands / ... etc., as well as defining its type (villa / twin house / duplex / apartment / office / clinic / shop / ..... etc.).

- In the case of renting the property for the benefit of others, the percentage of commission from the owner and from the tenant is determined to be indicated in the lease contracts and the owners and tenants claim it and collect it.

- Adding real estate photos and real estate documents such as licenses, drawings, etc. for reference when needed.

- For lands, record the plan number, its name, location, area and pictures of the plan.

real estate units :

The registration of the real estate units includes all data from the number / description of the unit / number of rooms in the unit / type of finishing / floor number / activity / area / garage belonging to the unit if it exists / usufruct of the garden for the ground floors / expected delivery date / unit services such as water, electricity, gas, etc.

قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

- The possibility of making a stop for the Hold unit so that it does not appear at the seller for reservations, contracting or inquiries.

- Add multiple images to the unit.

- Linking the unit to a cost center in finance to extract financial and statistical reports for the unit.

Customer data guide:

- Recording the data of potential and actual customers to work on this data through the CRM department, where the customer directory records in an endless tree form the branches and divisions for the flexibility of working on it and the diversity of extracting reports.

- Division of clients in the guide according to the contact of the marketing department / according to the real estate exhibition / by real estate brokerage companies or by delegates and so on

- Customer data contains the customer's personal information such as name, mobile number and e-mail as primary data.

- Customer data is completed when booking and contracting, such as the number and type of identity verification, date of issue, copies of personal documents, activity, classification and tax number if available, and the commercial registration number in the event of selling or leasing to companies or institutions.

Delegates Guide :

- Providing a directory for real estate agents and brokers in infinite tree form.

-Determining the name and data of the representative and the commission percentage (fixed percentage with all clients / variable percentage with each client in each contract / according to commission segments with variable rates according to each sales segment)

- Definition of the direct manager of the delegate, for the serial link of commissions between delegates, managers and heads of departments, whether within the real estate company or with real estate brokers.

- The possibility of adding a personal photo of the delegate for easy identification with specifying complete data about him.

قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

Directory of real estate brokers (brokers):

The program is characterized by the presence of a complete follow-up to the commissions of real estate brokerage companies

- Register all real estate broker data and determine the commission rate for each broker, as well as commercial information, commercial registration number and value-added tax number for each of them.

قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

Units Payment Methods :

- Designing and defining an infinite number of payment methods for units by percentage or by value and linking more than one method to the unit for the possibility of choosing it within the contract for the unit, and then automatically including the method of payment in the contract.

Distribution of the unit value in percent according to the payment schedule.
قطاع الاستثمار العقاري
Distribute the unit value in scheduled $ values ​​into specified batches.
قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

Sales contract management :

- The program contains a comprehensive management of the sales process, starting from reservation, contract, payment method, contract printing, rescheduling, assignment, replacement, settlement of sales contracts, sales commission claims, and collection of payments due.

-The possibility of downloading data from previous contracts before working on the program through Excel files specially prepared for this.

قطاع الاستثمار العقاري
قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

Demanding commissions for representatives and real estate brokers:

Claims are issued to pay the commissions of representatives and real estate brokers according to what was recorded in the sales contract, both according to the percentage of the commission mentioned in the contract.

- Taking into account the calculation of sales commission on payments and installments subject to commission only

- Taking into account the calculation of value-added tax on taxable payments and installments

قطاع الاستثمار العقاري
قطاع الاستثمار العقاري
قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

Managing lease contracts:

- The program contains a comprehensive management of the rental process, starting from requesting a property according to the customer's needs, then issuing the lease contract and determining the method of collecting monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual rental installments.

- The possibility of rescheduling the remaining installments.

- The program contains a contract renewal tool that gives an alert to the user of renewal dates well in advance of their occurrence by sending notifications to the user and to the customer to remind the contract renewal date.

- Issuing claims and sending notifications to clients of the amounts of installments due.

- Settlement and termination of the lease contract, where the program automatically issues the owed or residual value to the tenant through settlement.

- The inclusion of value-added tax in contracts and its impact on accounting entries and the declaration of value-added tax.

قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

Settlement of a lease contract :

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alert notification program :

The system supports a smart alert notification program through which notifications are issued to manage sales, rent and maintenance operations, including what is issued immediately after the issuance of a document such as the registration of a reservation or a contract, and some of them are predetermined before the occurrence of the event, such as alerting the user and the customer that a payment or installment is due in a sufficient time.

- The user can select the message text and message elements from the document data.

- The possibility of specifying a conditional status for the notice, such as directing the notice to a specific category of users based on the name of the project, property, or maturity period.

- Issuing the notification in multiple images such as e-mail, SMS and WhatsApp messages, and the notification appears on the main interface of the program.

- Create promotional advertising messages for a specific category of customers according to the classification of customer interests, address and activity.

قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

Services and maintenance :

- The program supports a complete work cycle of services and maintenance for real estate units to accurately determine the unit cost, as maintenance services are distributed to real estate units according to the area of ​​each unit.

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- Determining the services associated with the unit and the value of each service and recording the readings of services such as electricity, water, gas and other services.

- Issuing claims to customers in return for their services and periodically issuing account statements for services.

- Follow up the deposit of the units sold after delivery and calculate the interest rate on the deposit.

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- Possibility of making a business bid for the units and asking customers for the value of these services.

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- Directory of maintenance service suppliers and contractors, issuing invoices and entitlements to them in return for performing services.

-Recording unit delivery with requests approval (request for delivery/approval/rejection/delivery/approval).

قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

Property management software suite :

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Reports :

Double Click ERP for real estate investment and property management features a massive set of reports that give a complete and comprehensive picture of daily operations and accurate statistics for making rational decisions in a timely manner.

- The reports are characterized by a huge number of filters and various search methods to reach the required information at the moment of its request.

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- Reports support the Drill Down feature that gives an interpretation of the total numbers with financial analyzes in the same report instead of moving between multiple reports.

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-The reports also support the Drill-through feature, which enables the user to open an analytical report from within the overall report, and you can quickly open documents from within the report instead of returning to documents and searching within them.

قطاع الاستثمار العقاري

- The reports are also characterized by smart cells and graphs that give the manager a comprehensive view of the daily work and total reports as soon as the planner is called.

- The ability to modify the forms of reports and their contents of formulas and coordination through the user without referring to the technical support department, through the most powerful global reporting tools and the latest SSRS.

- The ability to export all reports outside the program in the form of Excel, Word, PDF, Image, Html, Xml and CSV.

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