Thursday, February 13, 2025

Financial Package

The financial group accounts program for companies and the accounts program for contracting, which includes the warehouse program, the sales and purchases program, and the ERP personnel program

Financial Group

Your reliance on the financial group of Double Click programs means upgrading your daily accounting operations to reach an increase in the return on your investments, not only with flexibility of use, but also with a distinctive set of reports that guide you to make rational decisions.


المشتريات و الموردين




الحسابات العامة




المبيعات و العملاء


Daily Restrictions
Permission to add or exchange
برامج محاسبيه
  • General accounts
  • Fixed assets
  • Payments
  • Receipts

It is a compilation of the daily restrictions resulting from editing documents in all parts of the program in order to obtain all financial information and reports such as: assistant ledger - general ledger - trial balance - budget ... etc.

Accounts guide

دليل الحسابات و دليل مراكز التكلفة

Create a flexible accounting tree directory without a maximum limit for branches to suit all administrative levels.

Import the chart of accounts from external files to save time.

An optional (warning/error) message at the level of each account appears in the entry if the account is not linked to the cost center.

Determining fixed percentages for distributing one account to more than one cost center to be distributed automatically when the account appears in the journal entry.

Adding the opening balances of the accounts with the beginning of work on the system, they appear when extracting the reports.

Cost Centers Directory

Create a flexible tree directory for cost centers without a maximum number of branches to suit all administrative levels

Import cost centers directory from external files to save time.

Adding the opening balances for cost centers with the beginning of work on the system, they appear when extracting reports.

Determining fixed percentages for distributing one cost center to more than one cost center to be distributed automatically when the cost center appears in the journal entry.

دليل الحسابات

Daily Restrictions

قيود اليومية

American/French Accounting Diary Design

Definition and user design of the final lists to be extracted in an appropriate manner and in accordance with accounting standards

A distinct addition of restrictions by the user is used in the analysis of reports according to the exchange / addition / settlement

Full support for recurring journal entries in the form of adjustable templates when creating the accounting entry

Adding the estimated monthly values ​​for each account for comparison with the actual values ​​when extracting budget reports

Adding the opening balances of accounts and cost centers with the beginning of work on the system appears when extracting reports.

Adding the estimated monthly values ​​for each account to compare with the actual values ​​when extracting budget reports.

Adding the estimated monthly values ​​for each cost center to compare with the actual values ​​when extracting budget reports.

Complete flexibility when reviewing entries provided by a record of unreleased daily entries.

Manual distribution of the value of one party in the accounting entry to more than one cost center in proportions or in values.

Find limitations in many and varied ways.

Dealing with more than one accounting period at the same time without being restricted to closing the previous period.

Automated compilation of all journal entries generated by other subprogram documents.

Adding an optional book number (cannot be repeated) in addition to the automatic serial number for flexibility of review and matching between the book documents and the program.

An automated explanation that appears in the entries resulting from the sub-programs, indicating the type and number of the document resulting from the entry.

قيود اليومية

Adding all foreign currencies used in foreign transactions with fixing the exchange rate or changing it with each document according to the daily exchange rate.

The possibility of making an evaluation of the currency differences, and the evaluation date and the currency to be evaluated can be determined.

Financial reports and final statements

Issuing financial statements in accordance with accounting standards, which include the statement of financial position (balance sheet) - income statement - cash flows.

Vertical financial analysis to compare the value of the sub-account and its percentage of the total accounts. Horizontal financial analysis to compare the same account between the current and previous year.

The possibility of defining and adding other financial statements, while specifying the formula for extracting them according to the requirements of the financial management.

التقارير المالية و القوائم الختامية

The general budget.

The monthly general budget.

Aggregate expense analysis.

General expense analysis (detailed).

General journal entry

Final Lists

Trial Balance

New Final Lists

Record your unstaged daily entries

track account sources

assistant professor

Monthly Assistant Professor

general teacher

daily help

Record daily entries

balance sheet

Report of the final lists of cost centers

Report of the new final lists of cost centers

Estimated budget for monthly cost centers

Assistant Professor of Cost Centers

Cost Centers (total)

Cost Center Matrix

Cost Centers (Detailed)

General ledger of cost centers

Estimated budget for cost centers

Cost center audit balance

Assistant Professor of Cost Centers 2

Your reliance on the financial group of Double Click programs means upgrading your daily accounting operations to reach an increase in the return on your investments, not only with flexibility of use, but also with a distinctive set of reports that guide you to make rational decisions.

Inventory and analysis of fixed assets

An inventory and analysis of all fixed assets compatible with all known depreciation methods, including adding - depreciating - renewing and replacing - selling and excluding fixed assets.

Adding a number for each asset used in the inventory of assets with the possibility of using a barcode.

Tracking the life of the asset (addition - renewal and replacement - depreciation - exclusion or sale).

Adding assets at the beginning of the period (in case of switching from manual work to working on the program) and determining the value of the previous depreciation until the program completes the depreciation of assets and follow-up.

Recall the inventory of assets at any time and on any date.

برنامج محاسبي

Determining the value of the profit / loss resulting from the disposal / sale of a fixed asset.

Linking with the general accounts program, so a daily entry is created automatically when a new asset is added / depreciation of an asset / completion and renewal / exclusion or sale of an asset.

Automated/manual linkage between fixed assets and cost centers.

A distinctive addition of restrictions by the user is used in the analysis of reports according to the exchange / addition / settlement.

Depreciation of assets

Support for all depreciation methods and their identification for each asset separately

Determine the depreciation method used (daily - monthly - quarterly)

Using the straight or reducing installment method for each asset

Determining the depreciation percentage of the asset when adding it (by the user)

The possibility of depreciating expired assets after their depreciation period, with determining the calculation of the increase in fixed asset prices

Adding assets at the beginning of the period (in case of switching from manual work to working on the program) and determining the value of the previous depreciation until the program completes the depreciation of assets and follow-up.

برنامج محاسبة

Exclusion, renewal and replacement of the original

It is the sale of the asset due to the lack of need for it or the need for renewals that exceed its book value, and the exclusion of the asset results in a profit or loss.

اهلاك الأصول

It is the addition of part of the components of the original, for example: changing a car motor, which aims to extend the life of the production asset, which leads to an increase in the value of the asset, in addition to calculating depreciation on the added part.

دليل الحسابات

Fixed asset inventory statement:

بيان جرد الاصول الثابتة

Fixed asset inventory statement

Fixed asset depreciation statement

Unfinished Fixed Assets Depreciation Report

Depreciation statement for renewals of fixed assets

Assets added during a period

Assets disposed of during the period

Expired fixed asset depreciation report

Total Asset Inventory Report

Save time and money with the payments software that helps you determine the optimal time to pay bills, expenses and discounts and maintain a close relationship with your suppliers

Program Advantages

Defining all types of payments (cash - checks - advance payments - payments by checks at the beginning of the period in the bank and the treasury - transfers between safes and banks - settlements) and determine the linkage of each of them to the public accounts, statements of accounts and the documentary cycle.

Define the used receipt books (serial for each book).

Defining the types of deductions that are deducted from various payments, such as withholding stamps and taxes, and linking these deductions to public accounts.

Defining the types of bank transfers and linking these types to public accounts and determining their impact on the documentary cycle.

Movement of cash and checks

Create a directory of safes used in cash and check payments, link each safe to the general accounts, and determine the opening balance for each safe.

Create a complete directory of the banks that deal with it and link each of them to the public accounts.

حركه الشيكات

برنامج محاسبة

Follow-up of bank transfers to various accounts and third parties

Follow up on transfers between vaults.

Linking payments to future purchase invoices and the impact of this on the lifespan of debts.

Link payments with other programs such as real estate investment, contracting, wages and salaries.

Designing the form for printing checks for each bank account (put the check sheet in the printer and use the check printing command from within the program) to avoid manual errors in writing checks such as punctuation and numbers.

Issuing and printing cash and check payment receipts from within the program

Follow-up of checks issued by the program (payment of checks from the bank balance - return of checks from the beneficiaries).

Check payment receipt:

بيان جرد الاصول الثابتة

Payment papers status report:

بيان جرد الاصول الثابتة
One of the most important reports of the payments program, as it shows the status of each check of the payment papers owed by the company

Paid cheques: These are checks that have been cashed by the bank and have been received by the supplier

Checks outstanding: These are checks with the supplier that he has not disposed of yet

Bounced Checks: These are checks that have been returned from the supplier due to an error in them

Appearance: These are checks of receipt papers that have been endorsed to the supplier and thus have been converted into payment papers

A graphic showing the accounting treatment of payments that the program creates automatically:

بيان جرد الاصول الثابتة

General Payments Report

Pay slips status report

Payable Deductions Report

Payable Notes Report

Supplier Adjustments Statement

Delegate Payments List

Detailed cash and check movement report

Expected cash flow report

Expected Bank Liquidity Report

general stock report

Your reliance on the financial group of Double Click programs means upgrading your daily accounting operations to reach an increase in the return on your investments, not only with flexibility of use, but also with a distinctive set of reports that guide you to make rational decisions.

Program Advantages

Defining the types of receipts (cash - checks - credit cards - settlements - early period checks in the fund and banks - advance payments) and linking these types to public accounts.

Definition of receipt books used in receipts (serial for each book).

Defining all types of deductions such as stamp duty and withholding taxes and linking them to the accounts.

Define types of bank deposits.

Full follow-up of the life cycle of checks

Receipt _____ Deposit Portfolio _____ Collection / Refund from the Bank

Receipt _____ Collection from the customer's bank _____ Deposit in the bank

Receipt of _____ collection from the customer's bank _____ Deposit in the company's treasury

Receipt of _____ shredding checks (collecting checks in installments)

Receipt of _____ payment to another party (endorsement of checks)

Receipt _____ Return to customer

برنامج محاسبة

Create a directory of safes used in cash and checks receipts, link each safe to the general accounts, and determine the opening balance for each safe.

Establishing a complete directory of the banks dealing with it and linking each of them to the general accounts, collection fee accounts and bank expenses, to be used in following up the collection and return of checks from banks.

Recording and printing cash receipts and checks from within the program with the company's logo on them, whose values ​​are automatically checked.

بيان جرد الاصول الثابتة

Determining the receiving party (from a dealer - from an account - financing to the treasury - financing to the bank).

Linking receipts with other programs (sales - contracting - real estate investment - accounts - advances and payments).

Recording credit card settlements.

بيان جرد الاصول الثابتة

Linking the receipts to the future sales invoices (manual linking that determines the receipt for a specific invoice/invoices - automatic linkage according to the due dates of the bills) to obtain a debt aging report.

Send a copy of the receipts to customers after converting them to a PDF file.

بيان جرد الاصول الثابتة


Uncollected checks

Checks collected

Checks under collection

Checks Payable

Bounced checks from the bank

Checks returned to customers

Follow up checks

Interest due weekly

متابعه الشيكات

Uncollected checks

Checks collected

Checks under collection

Checks Payable

Bounced checks from the bank

Checks returned to customers

Follow up checks

Interest due weekly

A statement of the total movement on the types of arrest warrants

A statement of the total cases of arrest warrants

Gross general receipts statement

Expected bank liquidity

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